Wednesday 4 July 2007

Nowt, Nixxy, Nitto, Nish...

No news on the book front yet - (did I mention that I also entered 'Special' in the Daily Mail first Novelist competition?) so I've started on my third masterpiece, tentatively entitled 'Chasing Cars'.

It will explore the lives of three middle aged men, their youthful rivalries, deceptions and infidelities. One of them will foil two paedophiles in a kidnap attempt and be jailed for his troubles, the resulting publicity and his reaction to it sparking a chain of events and actions that lead to a long standing conflict coming to a head.

Sounds good eh? Well, if you all send me a hundred quid I could take a year off work and finish it!

Anyway, I'll let you know how I'm getting on.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good idea. (Wonder where the inspiration for middle-aged bloke nuances will come from with all of us now in our mid-thirties?)

Rivs said...

Obviously I'll just make it all up - I would never use memorable incidents from family, mates & colleagues lives as comedy fodder in my books - oh not, not me.

Anonymous said...

Thank god for that.....